Friday, June 6, 2008

Just How Much IS 5 Bucks A Day

You're receiving this email because you registered for more information about the power of focusing on making small amounts each and every day to grow your business, either online or off...

You'll be amazed at just how easy and powerful that really is, but there are some very important rules to follow...

5 Bucks a Day

So, Just how much IS 5 Bucks a day?

Well, simple math tells us that it's a whopping $1,825 a YEAR. Think about that for a moment...

Now think about how much that would be if you could duplicate it...and you can:

It's all about FOCUS.

Let's see if this sounds familiar...

When I analyzed my day, it became clear that I never concentrated on any one thing for more than a half hour at a time, usually not even that.

Between emails- (check them every 15 minutes to see if any orders came in), phone calls, reading the latest must-have e-Book that I purchased...

Catching up on the forums, tweaking my web site, and lusting after the next must-have e-Book or CD/DVD course that was the missing link in my knowledge base...

I suddenly realized (duh!) that I wasn't giving myself a CHANCE to succeed.

At the end of the day I was exhausted, but had I accomplished anything?

Usually not, and I'm betting you may have some of the same symptoms...

But I've discovered a potent cure for this condition, and with your permission, I am going to share the treatment with you over the next couple of weeks right here!

Want to cut to the chase and get the scoop on what I've uncovered right now?

You can unlock the secrets to getting your business on track and earning a phenomenal income immediately -- you just need to take that first step today:

5 Bucks a Day